We had a great time last weekend. Bentley came back on Friday with Zachary, Angelica and Elton, the three Cavaliers who live at his other home, and their special person, Sharon. Zachary and Angelica are actually Bentley's canine parents and Elton is his uncle.
Lots of rain fell before the weekend so the grass was damp and fresh and some patches were a bit muddy. Bentley and I had heaps of fun racing around together and playing with the other Cavaliers and we all received a few extra treats over the three days.
On Sunday two people, Terry and Ben, came to visit and had lunch with Sharon and Jenny. So we all received lots of extra cuddles and pats as we vied with one another to get the most attention.
Sadly, on Sunday afternoon, Bentley went in Sharon's car with Zac, Angie and Elton and they all went back to their home in Adelaide.
Soon after they left Jenny went out in her car and when she came back she brought two more people with her; a lady, also called Jenny and a man called Graham. They stayed for the night and, once again, we all got extra pats and cuddles. The next morning Graham filmed us with a video camera while Jenny put our snoods on and fed us all. Then he took some more video as we all ran out of the back door to play in the yard. About lunch time Jenny took these people away in the car and when she came back she was alone.
This morning we were all running around when Jenny went to feed the ponies. We are not allowed to go into the feed shed, but several of us went to the door with her. When she opened the main door, there, sitting half way up on the screen door, was a mouse! Before any of us could react the mouse leaped off the door, ran between Delta's legs, much to her surprise, and disappeared through the fence! We all rushed to the fence to catch it but of course, we were too late.
Bobby is barking now to tell Jenny it is time for us to have our bedtime treats and go to bed, so I will sign off.